How Pet CBD Oil Reduced My Dog’s Arthritis Pain | King Kanine

My dog Bella is 11.5 years old and about a year ago started showing severe signs of arthritis in her back hips and lower back. Unfortunately, her condition went downhill pretty quickly. She began to slow down on walks and hikes, started having more difficulty going to the bathroom (with more indoor accidents), and her energy and peppiness started to decline. Fortunately, when we would take out the leash for a walk or start to prepare dinner, she would still jump for joy. I guess even the pain couldn’t deter a Lab from wanting to eat!

The Problem with Traditional Meds

Last fall on our vet’s recommendation, we started giving Bella Deramaxx every morning in addition to the Glucosamine we have had her on for a few years. On days when we accidentally skipped it, we noticed a big difference in her ability to cope with pain. So, we have stayed with this prescription, despite the possible side effects that could lead to a decline in her organ functionality. The risk of this is so real that we have to visit the vet to have her blood tested every six months to make sure her organs are still healthy and functioning correctly. This is very scary, and reason enough to seek an alternative treatment if possible.

We tried laser treatment and also explored the possibility of acupuncture, but nothing was helping. To make matters worse, all of these alternative treatments were very expensive and uncomfortable for Bella. She hates going to the vet’s office, so increasing the frequency for these treatments was like torture for all of us.

Discovering CBD for Dog Wellness

While searching for alternative treatments for dog arthritis, we stumbled upon CBD oil for dogs and decided to give it a try. After all, so many people swear by it to treat canine arthritis pain. So, we ordered some from King Kanine, the CBD oil that we recommend on (independent, unbiased reviews).

From the start, Bella loved the taste of krill oil mixed with CBD so administering it was no problem. However, we did not see much of a change at first, and we started to question whether this was going to help. But, after about ten days of treatment, we noticed that Bella was much peppier, jumping around more frequently. We started to see that on walks she was also able to go a little farther without getting so tired. This was all great, but the best sign was that Bella was now able to partially squat to go to the bathroom on most days (vs. walking and pooping everywhere). She started to have fewer accidents in the house, and now, accidents are pretty much a thing of the past. These changes indicate to us that she is feeling better which is all that matters to our family. It is a win-win all around if she is in less pain,and we have fewer house cleanups!

A bonus is that CBD for dogs has no known side effects. So adding it to Bella’s wellness plan was a great way to increase her pain tolerance without increasing the dosage of her prescription medicine. Hopefully, we can continue to increase her CBD dosage as she ages rather than increasing the dose and risks associated with traditional medications.

Part of a Complete Wellness Regimen

While I cannot say that CBD oil for dogs is the only successful part to our arthritis treatment regimen for Bella (Deramaxx, Glucosamine, warmer weather, shorter walks, etc. also play a role), I can say it was a key ingredient. She is in less pain, more energetic and from what we can tell her quality of life has improved since we started using pet CBD oil. There is no question that we will continue to give it to her for the foreseeable future to improve both her life and ours.

Does Your Dog Need CBD Oil?

Anecdotal evidence supports the use of CBD oil products for dogs, which is a relatively new trend. While there has been little research on how CBD oil works on dogs, evidence suggests that CBD products interact with their endocannabinoid system receptors can help maintain body balance and keep things stable for your dog.

Taking the best CBD oils for dogs can help them in a variety of ways.

  • Relieves anxiety and stress in pets,
  • Aids digestion
  • Combats nausea
  • Have anti-inflammatory properties
  • Help in relieving joint pain (for dogs with arthritis)
  • Has tumor-shrinking properties in pets with cancer
  • Lessens the harmful and painful effects of radiation

If your dog is suffering from illnesses like dogs with arthritis and associated pain or epilepsy and is not responding to traditional medicine or treatments, the highest quality CBD oils for dogs are the best alternative to traditional medicine. Varieties of flavored CBD oil, like chicken flavored CBD oil make it easy for pet owners to administer CBD oil on their dogs.

Determining The Right CBD Oil Dosage For Your Dog

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We all want to explore the best ways to provide for our dogs as responsible dog owners. This includes considering alternative methods of dealing with issues that can afflict our pets, such as upset stomachs or dog arthritis. In fact, as you saw above, when it comes to dog arthritis pain relief, CBD products work incredibly well. However, many responsible pet owners struggle with deciding what amount of CBD products to give to their dogs when seeking new alternative, natural methods of pain relief.

Regulatory agencies and CBD companies do not issue general guidelines to assist us in determining how much CBD to give them. This can put dog owners in the difficult position of not knowing how to best care for their pets.

If you’re thinking about using full spectrum CBD oil for dog arthritis symptoms or for any other health issue, you might be in this situation.

Making certain that your dog receives the appropriate amount of CBD oil is critical to ensuring that the oil actually does work and is also well tolerated.

While high quality CBD oil is generally well tolerated by dogs, it is always a good idea to consult with your dog’s veterinarian to see if CBD is a viable solution for them and to ensure that it won’t interfere with any previous medications or courses of therapies they are currently on.

While there is currently no key recommendation for CBD dosage in dogs at the moment, a good general rule of thumb is:

The CBD dosage is 0.2 mg per pound of weight. For example, if you own a 20-pound dog, you can give him 2 mg of CBD every 8 to 12 hours.

Starting Doses by Dog’s Weight Examples:

  • 5 to 10 pounds – approximately 0.25 to 1 mg per dog per day
  • 11 to 20 pounds – about 0.5 mg to 2 mg per dog per day
  • 1 mg to 4 mg per dog per day for dogs weighing 21 to 40 pounds.
  • 41 to 60 pounds – about 2 to 6 mg per dog per day
  • 61 to 80 pounds – about 3 to 8 mg per dog per day
  • 81 to 100 pounds – 4 to 10 mg per dog per day
  • Approximately 5 to 12 mg per dog per day for dogs weighing 101 to 120 pounds.

If your dog weighs more than 121 pounds, you can use a combination of the above.

Too much CBD is not good for your dog’s health. Remember that it is always best to start with half the recommended dosage and then adjust as needed. Because each dog is unique and will react differently to CBD, each dog will necessitate a different dose depending on their size, biological factors, and overall health.

Precautions To Take When Giving Your Dog CBD Oil

When you buy CBD oils, it is important to consider the product’s quality as well as the ingredients it contains. When considering buying CBD oils for your pet, keep the following factors in mind:

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    1. Check The Quality Of CBD Oil

It’s critical to consider your CBD oil’s quality because CBD from different sources (hemp plants or marijuana) can have varying potencies and thus, varying pain relieving properties. For example, 2 mg of CBD oil from one corporation may not be as effective as 2 mg from another CBD company. Some typical variables that may influence the quality of the best CBD oil product are listed below:

  • Whether or not the CBD oil is full spectrum CBD oil, broad spectrum CBD oil, or CBD isolate. In most cases, full spectrum or broad spectrum oil is preferred.
  • The CBD is carried by the dog treat ingredients and the oil base.
  • The chemical composition of the hemp plant extract utilized to make CBD oil.
  • USA-grown industrial hemp is used or not.
  • Keep CBD In A Secure Location.

    A dog who discovers a stash of CBD and other marijuana/hemp products will almost certainly eat more than it ought to. This is more of an issue with edible treats like a CBD dog biscuit, but just to keep your dog healthy and safe, keep any CBD — and especially any THC products — beyond your dog’s reach and, preferably, behind a closed door.

  • Keep CBD Separate From Regular Dog Treats.

    Even if CBD does not have the same psychedelic as high as THC, you should be cautious regarding the amount you give your dog. Also, make sure that an uninvited guest, including a child, doesn’t overdo it by giving your dog too many CBD treats. Keep these CBD dog treats separate from your usual dog treats and inform others when and if it is appropriate to give one to your dog.

  • Check If They Are Organic

    Because organic CBD brand products do not consist of any artificial ingredients or chemical residues, they are safer for your dog’s food. Also, look for healthy NON-GMO products. Many CBD oil companies produce organic CBD oil for dogs using organic hemp extract like organic MCT oil. MCT oil helps in alleviating digestive problems and improving mental function in senior dogs.

  • Appropriate Dosage

    It is recommended to administer premium CBD oil for dogs or any other veterinary medicine via the low-and-slow method, beginning with a low CBD dose and gradually increasing to the manufacturer’s recommended dose. If you don’t see a significant difference, you could always experiment with different CBD pet products. Just make sure to consult with a reputable medical professional first who is familiar with the CBD industry and CBD brands.

Author Bio

Michelle is the dog mom of two sweet rescue dogs—Bella and Lily. She is also the co-founder, the ultimate dog resource since 2007. When not writing, she can be found reading, traveling or hiking with her husband and dogs.

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